Studio, Day 1

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Today was the big test day for my studio, a friendly little Boston terrier came over to help me out. I've been working on it for weeks and finally felt I could do a shoot... I really need a wider backdrop stand though! 

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So without further ado, here's Miss Pepper
She was very timid at first but after some treats from mom she warmed up.
Munch, munch.
 She even sat still and posed pretty for me!      

Yes, that one was so cute I had to show it in color and B&W.
 So sweet and boy let me tell you, this girl is one fast mover!

Now to be quite honest... I am not at all satisfied with the results from my studio test and this tells me there is still much to be done. Part of the dilemma is all of the natural light pouring in from the sliding glass window which I may end up blocking off. That would allow me to have a lot more control over my lighting. On the less technical side, a bit more room sure would be nice ;)

And now a good night from myself, Cailee (my daughter), Bobbi (ferret), and Sheldon (bunny).


  1. Unknown said...:

    Hey Paula! I had no idea you were on blogger, so I stopped by to check it out. I love these photos they are so great! I am wondering how in the world you got this cute little dog to hold still enough for you. Glad I found you here ;)

  1. Treats, patience and a quick "trigger" finger. Small dogs are significantly more difficult to photograph but it is well worth the effort. Thank you!

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